Monday, January 30, 2012

Bits of my weekend...

Recently, my friend Erin (the one on the right) moved from Boulder to Denver and we are so happy to have her! Coincidentally, her new place is only a block away from our apartment which makes it even more exciting. It's starting to feel a little like we are living in a real life Friends episode around here--people popping in randomly, coming and going as they please. It's pretty awesome.

We coined this weekend 'girl's weekend' because it sort of accidentally became one. Friday night was spent talking around the kitchen table with 3 pints of ice cream and 3 giggling ladies. Saturday I guiltily went to the gym and then later enjoyed some cocktails and photo booth fun (pictured ablove:) at this bar. Sunday, Erin, Becca, and I decided to treat ourselves to a thai massage which was the best idea ever! I believe $25 for a one hour massage is some of the best money I've spent in a while. The weekend was capped off with some frozen yogurt and a chic flick. Yep, I said it, total girls weekend.

(photos by me via Instagram)


  1. I missed it! When I get there can I be Phoebe? Glad you guys had fun.

    1. Aly, you're totally Phoebe. I can't really pin down who I'd be, haha. But yes, we will have another girls weekend when you return, promise :)

  2. this makes me want to live in denver.
