Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wandering Wednesday: Lannie's Clocktower + Greater Than Social Club, BWC.

Two weeks ago, we got all fancy on a Wednesday night, and headed downtown to Lannie's Clocktower to listen to some comedy and hear some good tunes by Bad Weather California. This was the second ever Greater Than Social Club, which is described as, "a monthly cabaret-style night of entertainment and spectacle in a decadent, historic venue featuring comedy, music, and more from mostly-local bands and comedians." How can you turn that down?! It is put on by Open Air radio -- which btw, if you haven't tuned into Open Air yet and you live in Denver, you should immediately give it a listen....turn your radio dial to AM, yes AM and it's 1340. trust me. -- and also put on by Greater Than Collective, which is a local record label that supports some awesome bands like Snake Rattle Rattle Snake, Esme Patterson, Ian Cooke and A.Tom Collins. I am so happy someone thought this night up. The comedy was a refreshing change (and actually funny), the venue was gorgeous, and it gave me an excuse to wear my feathered hair piece, order a Manhattan and see one of my favorite Denver bands all in one place! Dreams really do come true.

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