Friday, January 10, 2014


I always try to refrain from being too ambitious when it comes to resolutions. Mainly, because of this very reason BUT if you don't have the courage to try you might never know what you are capable of...Right? so do the facts really matter? I say no. The point is to push yourself and the end result should never feel like failure. Last year I had one resolution-- to read a book a month. I read 6 books. I made it half-way there. But I did listen to many, many audio books on my way to work, numerous podcasts, and came to terms with the fact that even though I would love to call myself bookish...I'm just not. So what, I didn't read twelve books....I did read six, and they were fantastic. 

Self improvement is a continuous process and setting goals is also an important exercise that I like to practice all year round. This year I want to challenge myself more. I want to cook recipes that intimidate me, concentrate on my photography-- and challenge myself to learn new techniques. I want to take my hobbies and build on them, and even create a few new ones. I want to ski down that mountain that makes my legs shake, because I know it will make me better. I want to do things that make me squirm, make my heart race and are beyond my comfort levels. I'm looking forward to you, 2014....let's do this!

(photo of me--left and my lady Kelsey by Aly Aga, graphic found here)

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