Thursday, May 7, 2015

Deep Thought Thursday + A Story from my Mother...

My mom told me a story yesterday that I had never heard before. I could tell by the quivering in her voice that it was still hard to tell, even after all these years. I asked her if there was a photo of me with my grandmother tucked away somewhere. I had never seen one, and I knew she had died soon after my birth of breast cancer. This is where I’ll tell you something pretty incredible. You see, I share a birthday with my mother. The two of us also share a birthday with my grandmother. After I was born my mom did all she could to bring me to her dying mom. The three of us were only in the same room together once. No photos were taken. In the urgency of the situation it seemed to be the least important thing, and it was. My mom said that even in death my grandmother lit up when she saw me and held me in her arms like I was her own. She might have thought I was. She died the very next day. I had no idea that we had only spent moments together, but I am grateful for them. I am grateful for that time. For the bond that we will always have. I am grateful that I gave her joy in death and that my mom brought me to her when she, herself, was recovering from a cesarian. This story made me cry. It made me cry and feel proud and scared and thankful for the women in my life. And for mothers and the things they do for each other. It made me thankful for my mother, who lost her mom at 35, but has showed me nothing but strength since the day I was born.
{September 22, My mother and grandmother}

1 comment:

  1. This is just beautiful. Made my eyes well up too! <3
