Monday, May 3, 2010


This was not my ideal weekend. I was busy, busy at work all week and even had to work on a Saturday which is just tortuous. So Sunday I spent all day recovering by sleeping...a lot. I don't feel guilty, not one bit. I worked for that sleep! Okay, so I'm back now feeling at least 90% myself again. Hope you all had a fun kick start into May and are having a semi-decent Monday...cause that's usually all we can ask.

Okay so here are some things I found and was too busy to post this weekend...

Holy cow! Tennessee is under water...but my family is okay. phew.

a visual comparison, free-range vs. farm fresh eggs.

Bwahahaha! Lil' Wayne v. The Office (as you can tell I kinda like this show)

Whoa! This apartment in Hong Kong is insane!

Look at all the details in this tiny little house.

Makin' Woopie pies for the horse race this weekend...these, these or these.

Some advice.

A little bit of sparkle goes a long way.

Ugh, dating.

Style lust...I want all of these outfits. (especially this dress)

Stationary of horror

Looking into the past.

Some honest reminders...

(photo by Marion Post, Natchez, Mississippi 1940)

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