Monday, February 11, 2013

Bits of my weekend...

Okay so we ate some food, drank some hot beverages and hung out with an adorable pup this weekend. Pretty much. We were kind of homebodies, which I secretly enjoy more and more these days. Otis is such a little snuggle buddy that it was hard to leave him! So we read and made tea and caught up on tv that we had missed from the week. We did do a bit of thrifting Saturday morning but didn't have much luck finding what we were looking for (speakers and a monitor for our record player). I found a pretty handkerchief though and was proud of myself for not buying anything else (I've been trying to be better about that lately). Not pictured-- a date night on Friday at an Ethiopian restaurant where I tried honey wine and we ate with our hands! Also I did a little dancing on Saturday night to get some socializing in, and Sunday we played this game (which is dorky and fantastic). And now I am having puppy withdraw...

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