Friday, October 9, 2009

It's the weekend!

What do you have planned this weekend my dolls? My man is out of town this weekend so tonight I am planning on taking it easy. I'm going to rent a very romantic movie, eat leftovers and take a nice long bubble bath! Tomorrow, I am going to see Jolie Holland in Denver with a couple of my friends and I am beyond excited! I saw her last year and she was just so cute and wonderful! It is suppose to snow tomorrow night (the first real snow) so hopefully that will not put a damper on any of my plans!

Here are some things to keep your weekend interesting...

What's your favorite thing to have for breakfast?

An illustrated life! (love this one)

A 13 year old with style

Apple cider donuts, yes please!

A tiny stylish camera

Pet costumes here, here and here!

Tim Burton inspired Halloween costumes.

Gorgeous hair accessories!

trashy style...

adorable autumn necklace!

Wow, that is all I can say...

Simple, yet lovely

An incredible little experiment!

(photo via Abby try again)


  1. NBB -- Natural Born Blogger! What you do is addictive...and stylish.

  2. Gosh snow! That's making my nose wrinkle with excitement :D
    Sarah x

  3. Thank you Gail! Your quite good at yourself! I have been reading your stories and they have a lovely mix of wit and humor.

    And yes, snow! It has already started, about 2 inches or more so far. It's beautiful!
